The perfect sassy spice for South of the Border fajitas-steak, chicken or fish.
The perfect sassy spice for South of the Border fajitas-steak, chicken or fish.
The perfect sassy spice for South of the Border fajitas-steak, chicken or fish.
The “Rita Fajita” rub was actually our most difficult to make because typically fajitas are marinated in a liquid concoction. We have removed the mess and necessity of that with this rub, although a can of beer added to rub is nice. All flavors you would expect from a south of the border experience with a surprise of sweetness. This works great on both chicken and beef fajitas.
We spend a lot of time in Mexico cooking and this rub was designed with those influences. We call it a “Tex-Mex” not because it falls into traditional tex-mex style, but because of it is traditional Mexican underpinnings with a hint of Texas, the sweetness. You will find a combination of three types of pepper in this rub and the traditional cumin. It smells great when you open the bottle and taste even better right off the grill.